Site Review - The Customer Advantage

We have the absolute best online opportunities for affiliate marketing,network marketing, and online retail sales programs for the newer person. Theses are proven money making programs from respected leaders in the industry.  Click on any of the links throughout the blog and you will find more opportunities to generate some income. Check us out and see why we are growing every day.

The Customer Advantage is a "save while you shop" site. I have to give it just a mediocre review though. It just didn't really present itself well. The visual presentation is good, but the content was more about potentials than actual earnings, however, it is free to join and they present an overall positive experience.

 Here's their sample letter...

  Hope things are going well for you. I think this is another opportunity that you can support. I like it because it is free!
  If you haven't already joined, please check out the following:
This is by invitation only and involves "Your" potential to make serious money.
Find out more by watching a concept (Groupon) Google offered 6 billion dollars for and was turned down.
  For access to the information, go to
and use my site-id: dbmyers01
Training, tools, how to steps, and a whole lot more are included once you join for FREE.
To A Successful 2011 and Beyond,
D B Myers

Can't argue that I would like to sell my site to Google for 6 billion dollars!
It could happen....
They are very big on video...Here is guru John Milanokski

If you want a friendly, no pressure program that is leaning towards issuing stock, the this is a good program to keep up with.

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